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Aquamarine Earrings

Aquamarine Earrings

Gewone prys £14.99 GBP
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The largest numbers of Aquamarine stones come from Brazil, with supplies of this stone also available from Burma, Mexico, Ireland, India, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Australia and the USA, so they are easy to come by.

It is the inclusions of iron, and the amount within the Beryl, which creates the yellow colour within the stones. Many of these greenish blue coloured gemstones are heat treated to remove the yellow colour.

As a healer it is always an advantage to use the natural crystals if you can, as the healing qualities of natural stones may be superior.

It is most famous for its sea-blue colours which can range from pale light blue to medium-dark blue. The name 'aquamarine' was derived from an old Latin expression which meant 'seawater'.

Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. It relaxes speakers to a stage of consciousness in which they are fully aware of their own truths, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations. [Simmons, 49][Ahsian, 50]


Tumbled Silver clasp holding Aquamarine crystals.

Care information

Wear & enjoy. Place in Sunlight to cleans & energise.

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The practice uses firm pressures to detoxify and rejuvenate the body, relaxing the whole system. It involves a series of treatments and movements that are firm, yet combined with the yogic stretches, brings about the de-stressing that the body needs to aid it heal.

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