Versameling: Books & Charts

A collection of books and charts for those who would like to learn about in healing ways of plant medicine.  These charts have been created for people, that may have the need to contemplate detoxing, getting well, raising there levels of energy, toning up, bodybuilding, putting on weight and learning to keep it on. Basically for all the people that would like to have healthier lives generally, there are ways that eating a good clean diet can aid mostly all of the human race as a whole. Showing the next generation how to look after themselves and prosper by doing so. These are Food & Nutrition Combining Charts produced by Nature's Larder that aid  a person to prepare healthy meals, to sustain themselves, and there families. Full of information on digestion times, what combining is all about which food types and categories actually go together. The quantities to aid hydration, and amounts of energy that need to be ingested, for good health and well being.